The secret of solving world problems can be better understood from here:http://web.abo.fi/comprel/solution.htm
Only spirituality can solve the problems of the world!(healing)>Is it true?
Firstly let's difine the terms properly.
Spirituality is the experience of that domain of awareness where we experience our universitality.This domain of awawreness is a core of consciuness that is beyond our mind,intellect and ego.In religious traditions this core is referred to as the soul,which in turn is part of a more universal domain of consciuness referred to in religions as a God.
When we ahave even a partial glimpse of this level of awarness we experience:joy,insight,intiution,creativity and freedom of choice.
All reigions are founded on a deep spiritual experience of unity consciuness where there was a complete union between the personal and the universal.
Our present times are particulary dangerous because ancient habits combined with the modern capacities and technologies of desctruction are a devasting combination that can destroy life on our planet.
The word "healing" and the words:holy and whole,all mean the same thing.To be healed is to have the return of the memory of who we really are.When we return to our sacred source,the world will be holy, and it will be healed.
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