These days for teenagers,playing computer games became an ordinary thing.Why?
The exact year of the first game played on a computer is a little hard to pin down:about 1950.
The computer gaming is not a real threat to teenagers life and not only.Gmaing can teach you also new skills.
May I start out by first saiyng that I am a gamer myself so you will get to hear it from my pespective,because veryone out there is pointing at video-games being the cause if school shooting or cause of a kid becoming a rebel or a thug,isn't a gamer themselves,and don't know actually how informative some games most people play can be.
Multiplayer games(online) are good for improving the social skills and you way of ,but unfortunatelly time to time you can became addicted(little retard,because you are playing the same game over and over again even it is a multiplayer one).
Lets take Call of Duty for an example.If you would play through the campaign mode on any of the firts three games,you could learn quite a bit about World War II.You learn the weapons,how they fired,how accurate they were(you also can play the reccent games from COD series to learn how the high-tech was implemented in new special weapons).You learn certain skills in-game that could be used in your life.
Say if you plan joining the Army,or the Marines.COD teaches you to be tactful,to instaed of running out and going Rambo,you strategically plan assaults on a team thats is hiding uout in a building that you need to win the game.Or it could be as simple as hiding behind a corner and having a part of your team flank the other.All these skills could be helpful once you get into a branch like the Marines or Rangers.Whili tactics and history are important,isn't it also good to have great-timing and hand-eye coordination?
After your hours of gameplay accumulate to two or three days,you become a little quicker when its comes to your eyes and hands>>You become a multitasker(used this in your real life).
Now in saying all of this I know you are thinking:"what about those mindless games like GTA or Halo?"Your kids are in control of what they play and the decisions they make.You,as the parent,have to set limitations if you fear your child will do someth terrible.Games like this have a rating for a reason(18+),they need to know what is going in their heads because thae are the one who take the decisions,in these games they leran that it's easy to kill,so this is what
Video games are a great thing,they teach us many skills like those listed above.You are in control of what you put in your head,and don't let that type of behaviour carry into real life.Take the skills you get with playing video-games and have fun out there!
Happy Gaming!
The exact year of the first game played on a computer is a little hard to pin down:about 1950.
The computer gaming is not a real threat to teenagers life and not only.Gmaing can teach you also new skills.
May I start out by first saiyng that I am a gamer myself so you will get to hear it from my pespective,because veryone out there is pointing at video-games being the cause if school shooting or cause of a kid becoming a rebel or a thug,isn't a gamer themselves,and don't know actually how informative some games most people play can be.
Multiplayer games(online) are good for improving the social skills and you way of ,but unfortunatelly time to time you can became addicted(little retard,because you are playing the same game over and over again even it is a multiplayer one).
Lets take Call of Duty for an example.If you would play through the campaign mode on any of the firts three games,you could learn quite a bit about World War II.You learn the weapons,how they fired,how accurate they were(you also can play the reccent games from COD series to learn how the high-tech was implemented in new special weapons).You learn certain skills in-game that could be used in your life.
Say if you plan joining the Army,or the Marines.COD teaches you to be tactful,to instaed of running out and going Rambo,you strategically plan assaults on a team thats is hiding uout in a building that you need to win the game.Or it could be as simple as hiding behind a corner and having a part of your team flank the other.All these skills could be helpful once you get into a branch like the Marines or Rangers.Whili tactics and history are important,isn't it also good to have great-timing and hand-eye coordination?
After your hours of gameplay accumulate to two or three days,you become a little quicker when its comes to your eyes and hands>>You become a multitasker(used this in your real life).
Now in saying all of this I know you are thinking:"what about those mindless games like GTA or Halo?"Your kids are in control of what they play and the decisions they make.You,as the parent,have to set limitations if you fear your child will do someth terrible.Games like this have a rating for a reason(18+),they need to know what is going in their heads because thae are the one who take the decisions,in these games they leran that it's easy to kill,so this is what
Video games are a great thing,they teach us many skills like those listed above.You are in control of what you put in your head,and don't let that type of behaviour carry into real life.Take the skills you get with playing video-games and have fun out there!
Happy Gaming!
I'm protesting that all video games are bad,why?
I have had numerous dealing with these gamers,gamers is what they call themselves.Parents think that their young childs language problems come from school,but it's more common to come from your friendly spiderman games.They rate all games,but just like tv shows they always slips in some bad phrases(making them to kill with joy{Zelda game}).Homework they never knew the meaning.To teens the game is all what that matters,they get hooked like tobbaco.
Wake up beat his monster,save before you die,and then off to school.All they in school they talk with there friend on how to beat a level,or if there stuck they trade cheats,just to return home to finish the game off.When a child gets hooked on GAMES,they forgot about school and what's important in the future.And when he will have to graduate the games will hold him back(Addiction).
Spending time/Wasteing money for online games for a new re-registration on a specified server:All this also keeo you way from work and you lack of sleep willbeome bigger and bigger and soon you'll get sick at every time.But,all you can really do with online gaming is find some others players and talk crap to them about how the other is beete at one thing,or how many kills they have added up in their whole haming experience,or having virtual relationships that will make you a loner and your social skills=0.
Now why is gaming BAD,it takes up there wholo life,they only stop to go to bathroom,usually they can go hours without eating,and don't need any friends,due to online friends.Schools,news,relationships,parent,parenting and other real life important stuffs doesn't cross their minds often.The bills will be huge.
Gaming to me is an almost complete waste of time,fishing and not catching anything is more educational and involves more of your social life.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oZK59p7MBE&feature=related-- not so good the video,but watch the comments.
Play a game not your life!
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